Neurophysiology of Reinforcement Learning
What are the mechanisms underlying changes in frontopolar cortex activity that prompt exploration?
Does the brain encode information relevant for managing explore-exploit tradeoffs differently when exploration is motivated by either appetitive or aversive consequence?
Frontopolar Cortex
Nucleus Accumbens
Orbitofrontal Cortex
Ventral Tegmental Area
Chemogenetic Modulation of Novelty Seeking
Do amygdala inputs to the ventral striatum control primates willingness to explore novel stimuli and actions?
Which motivational circuits in the primate brain separately regulate appetitive and aversive reinforcement learning?
Amygdala → Striatum
Anterior Cingulate Cortex → Frontopolar Cortex
Neuroanatomy with Molecular and Genetic Tools
How does the molecular heterogeneity of neuron types in the amygdala contribute to its diverse function and connectivity with other parts of the motivational brain?
Can we adapt molecular tools developed for viral connectomics to enable perturbations of brain networks and observe mesoscale changes in neural activity and behavior?
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Frontopolar Cortex
Lateral Intraparietal Area
Orbitofrontal Cortex